Sabtu, 11 April 2009


Yesterday, as I flip thru my old pics, from high school, up to the ones in my elementary( weird how that one is still there), i felt as if I was reading a journal of my own life. Weird as it is, but I believe that human's memories is one of the most precious and complex thing in this world(other than the relationships betweeen boys n girls, of course).

Our brain consist of every memories in our life. One from schools, families, boyfriends/girlfriends,and even our everyday lifes. Every single movement is recorded, and with helps of technology, those memories are made into hard copies in photos or videos.
Unwanted memories, however bad it is, cannot be thrown by just a delete button in our computer. I always hear the saying that time will heal, such that it become a cliche to me. Not just once, I often found myself in a bad situations where i really hope i could disappear. But then, in the end, I brave myself, and give it all so that whenever the memories evoke, I can smile and make it a lesson. Although it still hurts me, I try to make those bad memories be ones that I won't regret of having.

I sometimes wonder, when all of our memories taken from human, what's left of us?

1 komentar:

Vixklen mengatakan...

You'll be a doll without a memories. Because memories are stored inside a heart. Without a heart, if a person is weak, one will become a lifeless doll. On the other hand, shall the person is strong willed, one will become a Nobody.

Source: Kingdom Hearts